Britain Prepares To Declare Wagner A ‘Terrorist Organization’

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The British government is preparing to declare the mercenary company Wagner in Russia a “terrorist organization”. After this step, joining or supporting Wagner will be considered a crime.

The bill, which is expected to be submitted to Parliament, will also allow the seizure of Wagner’s assets. British Home Secretary Suella Braverman said Wagner was “brutal and destructive” and added: “Wagner is a military vehicle of Putin’s Russia. Its activities in Africa and Ukraine are a threat to global security.

“The Company’s Destabilizing Activities Only Serve The Kremlin’s Political Interests.”

After the law is passed by the UK Parliament, those who help the company could be sentenced to up to 14 years in prison or a fine of up to £5,000. The main opposition Labor Party in England has been demanding that Wagner be declared a “terrorist organization” for a while.

The State Department, on the other hand, imposed various sanctions against Wagner and decided to freeze the assets of the company executives. Besides Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Wagner also played critical roles in African countries such as Syria and Libya and Mali.

Accusations Of Murder And Torture Were Brought Against The Wagner Warriors.

The US announced in 2020 that Wagner had laid mines around the Libyan capital Tripoli. In July, Britain stated that Wagner was responsible for torture and executions in Mali and the Central African Republic. The group’s future was in limbo after their failed rebellion against Russia this summer. The founder of the company, Yevgeny Prigojin, died suspiciously when the plane he was on crashed on August 23.

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