A Sexual Dysfunction That Decreases Men’s Quality Of Life: Delayed Ejaculation

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Just as premature ejaculation problem, late ejaculation or inability to ejaculate is also a sexual dysfunction. Delayed ejaculation is listed among sexual diseases in DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). see: delayed ejaculation

Inability to ejaculate, usually for 30 minutes or more; It is not good for either men or women. Although there is no clear definition of duration in DSM 5, considering that the average ejaculation time is between 5-7 minutes, 30 minutes may be an indicator of a sexual problem.

These are valid numbers for the active penetration period that starts after the first penetration I mentioned. You kissed for 10 minutes, intercourse started, after 3 minutes you took a break and started making love again, you did this and that, of course you can extend it to 1-2 hours; However, 30 minutes of penetration without any breaks is natural for neither men nor women. The man is naturally coded to transfer sperm to the woman as soon as possible. For reference, you can look at how fast animals in nature ejaculate. This must be the case for the continuity of the species so that you will not be threatened by other animals during long-term sexual activities.

If your partner does not have any problems with getting wet and if full penetration lovemaking for around 30 minutes does not cause any problems for either of you, you do not need to consult a specialist. But many of those who say they made love for 2 hours or jumped like this do not give the full penetration time, do not believe them. Things like waiting while changing positions, resting for oral sex, doing massage are all nice, do them anyway, but these activities are not considered sexual intercourse. It can be called sexual activity.

Delayed ejaculation is more difficult to solve than premature ejaculation. It has been observed that people with delayed ejaculation problems attribute different meanings to sex when their past is considered. (Some patriarchal thought structures such as the belief that ejaculating in a longer time is more masculine.) In addition, dry masturbation more than once a day may cause a delay in ejaculation as it alienates the man from the vagina. In a permanent relationship, partners often do not want a man to penetrate for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. For women who reached orgasm in a healthy way, the time it took to reach orgasm was found to be 13.4 minutes. The general opinion is that in female ejaculation, rather than penetration, pre-penetration fantasy and foreplay activities shorten the ejaculation time and increase the intensity of ejaculation. If a woman does not want you to ejaculate with active penetration for more than 25-30 minutes, this may be an indication of orgasmic disorder in the woman, it does not mean that you ejaculate prematurely.

I will also write about the treatment of orgasmic disorder in women sometime. It is generally handled with the method we call triage tree. If there is no sexual reluctance or dyspareunia/vulvodynia, there may be an orgasmic disorder. You can refer him to a sexual therapist.

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