Do Smart Thermostats Really Save Your Money?

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Struggling with rapidly rising energy prices and the cost of living crisis, people began to speculate on how to lower their energy bills. Dominic McCann realized a few years ago that his smart thermostat was a treasure trove of data. Then he decided to hack it. So he could keep track of how his thermostat was working throughout the day. Accessing the thermostat’s data online using open source software, McCann prepared graphs showing the movement of the thermostat according to temperature changes in certain rooms.

For example, when he replaced the living room door with a different model, the system immediately recognized this difference. McCann, who lives in Manchester, England and has technical knowledge, immediately thought of ways to save more energy when he saw these changes.

Prevention Against Cost Of Living

Struggling with rapidly rising energy prices and the cost of living crisis, people began to think about how to lower their energy bills.

Smart thermostats can be programmed remotely with a smartphone or tablet. Manufacturers have been marketing this for years with the emphasis on saving money. Over the years, detailed information about the energy consumption of users has emerged and automatic heat control has been especially recommended.

But the debate over the usefulness of smart thermostats continues. According to some studies, smart thermostats don’t always reduce energy use. Some brands say they have systems that facilitate heat management. It understands how you heat your home, detects when you are not at home, and automatically reduces usage. So you save money.

Smart thermostats tell you your usage amount and estimated payment for that month, comparisons with the previous year, weather conditions for that year and the previous year. It saves energy when there is no one at home, detects if there is an open window, reduces the heating of that room, and allows to set the hours when the heating will be on.

Despite the high cost of living, some smart thermostat manufacturers have introduced software updates that show an estimated monthly bill to ensure users stay within their budget. It is also possible to make room-to-room comparisons. Thus, people reveal which room in the house needs more heating.

Can Save Up To 10 Percent

According to industry analyst Neil Barbour at S&P Global Market Research, more than 75 million smart thermostats are in use worldwide, and it’s predicted to more than double that by 2025.

Smart thermostats can save up to 10 percent per household in home heating and cooling. According to a calculation by Barbour and his team, by 2026, if smart thermostated heating, ventilation and cooling systems are used, energy savings could be achieved across the US, almost as much as the total energy use of the state of Mississippi in 2020. However, the subject of how people use this tool can change the result. Because people manually change the heat or cooling programs regulated by the smart thermostat.

‘Information On Energy Use Is Necessary’

Brent Huchuk, who researches this subject and works at PassiveLogic technology company, says that some users who actively manage their own heating and cooling may be better than smart thermostats.

He also adds that smart thermostats do not have the opportunity to reduce the temperature, as people do not leave the house with the transition to working from home, and this can provide limited savings.

You also need to check whether the smart thermostats are compatible with the thermostat in your home. For example, if you are using an energy-efficient model, you may not need a smart thermostat. Huchuk adds that in the future, smart thermostats will be able to track energy prices in real time and heat homes at the hour when the energy price is most affordable.

Enrico Constanza of University College London says people need to be informed about their energy use. For example, if it costs more to heat the house in the morning, they need to know. “Making it easier for people to understand how they expend energy can make a difference.”

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